08 August 2022

Getting better all the time

 Well, I survived the first week of school, even though I only saw the kids for 2 days. I was so incredibly tired on Wednesday. Exhausted. But Thursday was a little better and I'm sure I'll adjust as the weeks go by. This week might be rough because it will be the first full week. But I'm pretty sure I will survive. 

So last week I went to the gym on Monday and Tuesday. I knew that I would be rushing on Wednesday and Thursday so I didn't want to have to deal with the gym. Then on Friday I had to go to the business Costco and into school. I did go on Saturday but then I didn't go yesterday. I was planning on it and somehow the morning just got away from me. I thought that I would do a workout at home and that didn't work at all. So getting to the gym is clearly going to be something I have to work on. I did do Supernatural Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So it's not like I'm being completely lazy. But I need to get to the gym. With me going to work on Fridays, I have to do that because I have 7 classes, it looks like Saturdays and Sundays will be the days. But like next Saturday I have a sunrise hike at 5:20am. Am I going to the gym after that? Yeah, I need to work all this out. I had a thought of doing a couple of exercises every morning. They would mostly be body weight as I have very few weights, but at least do something. I can do some pushups or burpees or something. I don't know, but it is something I have to work on. 

Okay, I'm off to walk the Mavester and get ready for my Monday. 

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...