13 May 2023

2nd post in one day

 but I need to work this through and this is always my best way to do it. 

I found a passion for working out not so long ago. I should say, I rediscovered my passion for working out not so long ago. I was loving it. I was feeling good and absolutely loving my workouts. Then I got that stupid head cold and could not breathe for 2 weeks. No breathing = no working out. No working out = losing my mojo. Once I lost my mojo, I have not been able to get it back. And I want it back. I want it back really, really badly. So I need to get it back. I really, really want it. I do. But I have this little voice that keeps saying, ah, wait until school is over. No!!! I won't do that. I want to start it tomorrow. I just need to work out the timing in the mornings. I want to work out at least 3 days a week to stary. I can go tomorrow - that will be 1.. Then I can go on Wednesday - that will be 2. And I can go on Friday - that will be 3. 

Okay, it just solidified in my head. I keep thinking I have so much to do at school for the final weeks, but if I just go on Wednesday (that was the initial plan all along) I will be fine. 

Then here is the plan: 

Sunday:  gym and start my new workout routine

Monday: Supernatural

Tuesday: Supernatural

Wednesday: gym

Thursday: rest day

Friday: gym

Saturday: Supernatural

Sunday: gym

I can do that for 2 weeks during school, then school will be over. I will have times when I can't workout because of my eye surgery but I will work around those. 

Okay, as always, I just needed to address it and deal with it to get over myself. It all begins tomorrow. 

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...