It's over ...

 ... and I could not be happier. This week went by much quicker than last week, but there was so much more to do I was exhausted all week. Part of the reason I was exhausted, is that at the last minute I decided to make these for all the graduates

I could only do about 24 at a time and I had to do one side at a time. The first side, which I engraved and cut, would take about 40 minutes for the 24. Then I had to flip them all and engrave the back and that took about 25 minutes. Not including the setting up the design for both sides - which I had to redo for every set. I had a total of 87 to cut. So at 65 minutes for each 24 plus set up time of maybe 20 minutes, it took me over 5 hours to get these all done and I could only work on them after school. So that meant a couple of late nights on top of the stress of testing/grading and prepping for graduation. It was exhausting. Yesterday, after the awards ceremony and lunch, I came home and slept on the couch for about 2 hours. I haven't taken a nap in a long time. But it felt good and I was in bed by 8pm. 

Today Hubby's son arrives, actually tonight at 8ish. I will be prepping the house most of the day and running errands I didn't get to for 2 weeks. I plan on getting a lot of activity and movement in today. The good thing is that they will be busy most days so I will basically have the house to myself. Yay!! They are golfing Saturday and Tuesday. Sunday is a party at our friends house. Monday some friends are coming over here. So yeah, it will be a pretty nice weekend. 

I have the first of my eye surgeries on Tuesday. So I keep thinking that June will be a not exercise month because of the surgeries. Then July we are doing a road trip the first 10ish days, so that will be no exercise. So I was thinking that I wouldn't be able to get as much exercise as I wanted to in. But then last night I realized that I can't fall into all or nothing thinking. I can't let that happen. I can exercise for the next 5 days. After my surgery I believe I can't exercise for a week, then it will be back to it until the second surgery. Yes, I will be forced to not exercise some days, but I have to remember that I need to do what I can when I can. No perfectionism. No all or nothing thinking. No! No! No!

I do have a lot planned over the summer. I hope it's not too much. The current list: 

  • Create beautiful wood things
  • Get my website up and really running
  • Sell something
  • Work on marketing
  • Plan out chemistry - Patterns chemistry
    • Have lessons planned out
    • Have notebook set up
    • Literally have it ready to roll come August 2
  • Plan out AP Biology 
    • Review the CED
    • Plan out labs and activities for each unit
    • FRQ notebook
    • Lectures? Videos? Readings? 
    • Lot's to decide with this course and I need it all decided before school starts
  • Investigate She-Shed options
  • Workout as much as possible
  • Plan out the road trip
  • Go into school and clean out my store room
  • Make signs for school
So yeah, lots on the agenda this summer.  I also want to get some rest and do some reading so, yeah. 

Okay, I'm going to go walk Mavy and come back and workout. I really feel like lazing around all day, but I can do that tomorrow. 


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